Solar Water heater can be used everywhere. Residential, Food Industry, Laundry etc.

  • icon5 Residential (new houses)
  • icon6 How many people will use?
  • icon2 Location
  • faucet icon What is your source of water? Overhead Tank, City water or pump?
  • icon1 Recommended Sizes (Minimum Requirement)




    LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM (Gravity Type)

    – For LOW water pressure source like overhead tank and low pressure city water

    Please note: Delivery & mounting fee not included, depends on location. All piping materials not included.

    Low-Pressure Gravity Type Sizes


    -For NORMAL to STRONG water pressure source like pressure pump, strong city or subdivision water above 30 psi.

    Please note: Delivery & mounting fee not included, depends on location. All piping materials not included.

    HEAT PIPE SYSTEM (Copper Tip)

    Pressurized COPPERTIP Sizes


    Please note: Delivery & mounting fee not included, depends on location. All piping materials not included.

    Pressurized COIL Sizes

    list-bg If Hot water will be use in Kitchen- Bigger tank is recommended

    list-bg If Hot water will be use in Bathtubs- Bigger tank is recommended

    • icon3 Pool – Starts at PHP 198,000 for 10sqm
    • icon1 Size of Pool (Area in Sq. m)
    • icon2 Location
    • icon4 Other Establishments
    • icon1 Restaurants, Hotels, Motels, Laundry,Bakery

    Solar Water Heater can be used anywhere, The larger your hot water needs, the greater your savings. We are a tropical country. We have more sunshine than most parts of the world. Don’t waste your time, 3 to 5 years from now, nobody will be using electric heating if they have their own idle roof to place the solar. Return on investment can be as short as 1 year or less. These are facts.

    Want to know more about Solar Thermo Tank?